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Rabu, 20 November 2013

English Club : "Hunting Tourist"

Padusunan. MAN padusunan is the only one Islamic Senior High School in Padang Pariaman. It has a lot of extra curriculer activities. One of them is English Club. This program does every thursday afternoon. There are some agenda such game, discussion, scrable, speech ect. One of the top program is Hunting Tourist. This agenda is programmed to practice the members bravery and capability to speak English to the native speaker. As these pictures below, English Club MAN Padusunan did the Hunting Tourist at Sunday17th  November 2013 at Gandoriah Beach. We found a number tourist that came to watch the Tabuik Ceremony. They come from different countries with the same program, international student exchange. It was a nice and  interesting talk. We discussed a lot of thing such as culture, education, youth and so on. Finally we hope this event will be able to support and motivate all students to practice their english. Nowadays most of countries in the world use English as their daily communication language, because languages have a big contribution in social life. in social interaction it is very useful to bridge our relationship with the other country as communication tool such as business activities, scholarship and culture. So, language is habbit. It means our fluency in using English depend on our routines to practice it. Keep practice it!

Reported By : Ahmad Hidayat
(Internship Program / PPL )
( English Department OF Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang )

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